Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Angel Capital Summit Tickets - Dec 6-7 - $20 Discount

Discounts on Angel Capital Summit Tickets

From: Kevin Johansen, Group Administrator
To: All members, 'Angel Capital Summit 2010'

Hi All,

We're now in the process of releasing the ACS discount codes for you to use to get a discount on your ACS ticket(s)...

Some of you will receive multiple emails about this from multiple ACS Partners and other folk involved with the ACS. Your job is to pick the one most appropriate to your needs from the most appropriate sender.

If you're an ACS Finalist, you'll be receiving a code for one FREE ticket via regular email. Use of this code is audited, so please only use it once.

If you're an ACS Semi-Finalist - but were not selected to present - you receive one 50% off ticket (Cost: $59.50) to the 2 day event (Full price: $119). To use this code please go here - http://angelcapitalsummit.org/register - and enter in the coupon code 1ACSSEMI. (Please note that the use of this code is also audited and that it is intended for your one time use only.)

If you would like others on your team or in your personal network to attend, here's an additional code that will get them $20 off the $119 price for the event - ACSPART-4973. Please feel free to distribute this code via newsletter or your personal email, as its use is open ended.

If people in your network would like to attend just the Day 1 workshops, here's the current schedule - http://angelcapitalsummit.org/content/day-1-workshops. (And note that we're still working to add new ones...) Please have them register here - http://angelcapitalsummit.org/workshop_registration. Attending any or all of the ACS workshops costs just $39.

And thanks again for all of your help, ideas and patience! We've been told a number of times that the ACS is the largest investor fair in the U.S. This is *entirely* due to the ACS volunteers and the ACS Partner organizations. Specific to volunteers, once again we had hundreds of them engage. Some did stuff as simple & easy as re-Tweeting messages from @AngelCapital. Others put over 1,000 hours into producing the event. We - hard working folk sitting in the middle of this - deeply appreciate what you've all done and are doing, and we're very much looking forward to seeing you next Monday & Tuesday @ the ACS!

Kevin Johansen, Chair

Best Regards, Kenton H Johnson (.com), Prosper Systems (.biz), GOLD Pan Am (.com)
+1-303-770-4022(voice/text/fax), Skype KentonDenverCO (transfers to phone if not at computer)

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