Dear Collaborators - for You and your Family:
2015 will be even greater IF you refer for Massive Passive Income:
• Capital Representatives
• Superior Collaborators
Note: Ayimas Nahara, a young African studying the language and finishing his EE Degree in China, has referred more than any 10 of you folks - time to catch up!
See our:
• - looking especially for:
- us$100mm+ Real Estate and $10mm+ Art PROPERTIES (several international buyers)
- us$50mm-$200mm US Producing OIL & GAS OPERATIONS (fast, cash buyer)
- us$500mm+++ non-US Producing OIL & GAS OPERATIONS (voracious, fast, cash buyer)
- us$200mm+++ Virtually Debt-Free, Bank-Appraisable LARGE ASSETS, described fully at:
• Lucrative Schedule
Please reply to me with referrals, and here with questions.
USA 302KentonJ - GoogleVoice: 302-536-8665; transcribed voice messages and text; forwards to mobile and GoogleTalk (12-9 USA ET)