Saturday, October 17, 2009

NEW State-of-the-Art Marketing Paradigms

Dear Entrepreneur / Executive-

You'll need to break/change/add a few paradigms to fully move into the 21st Century:
  • Shopping:  More and more people are shopping on the "Web"/Internet - for convenience, necessity, selection or price.  In fact, retailers without a Web presence will be struggling soon.
  • Marketing:  the latest, smartest and least expensive marketing is generally based on GOgitMMM - (make a) Great Offer - Get (prospect) Information Today (adding to a database) - Market, Market, Market - continuous marketing via one or more channels:  (1) Electronic (email, text mail, video, webinar, recorded message, auto-dialer, fax broadcast, private website) or (2) Conventional (direct mail, printed newsletter, seminar).  This can increase online sales 10-20 fold!
  • Work:  Once set up - FREE or otherwise - Electronic Marketing, especially web-based, can work nearly on its own, bringing in sales 24/7 with no daily work on your part.  It's like owning a company with a great management team - you just keep an eye on the team, encouraging them once in a while and account for the income.
  • Affiliate Marketing:  Compensating for referrals has been part of business forever.  But on the Web, it is (1) straight-forward to set up an "affiliate/referral program link" to the seller's website with the affiliate's ID number, (2) easy to use on email, websites, newsletters and other marketing, and (3) can be verrrry lucrative, IF the selling website uses GOgitMMM.  (If it doesn't, customer information probably won't be captured as they slip away, and if they do come back if will probably be directly, leaving out the affiliate.)
  • Social Media Revolution:  Social Media Networking platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Plaxo, Ryze and others are growing very rapidly, showing the power and popularity of communicating and collaborating quickly and easily among groups of friends and associates without the need of often misused email broadcasts.  The group communications are with very short messages, which is good because most people don't have or take the time to read beyond a few sentences in emails. Instant messaging between individuals and form-email messages to individuals and opt-in groups are available for more detailed conversations.
  • Integration:  Web users want posting to multiple social media networks, cross-communication, database syncing, databases in "the cloud" (online), instant local/world information, learning, entertainment, two-way input via cell phone, etc.  A single-page Web Portal can do much of that in one fell swoop! 
I'd like to share something with you that will help you understand the power of 21st-Century Marketing Paradigms as well as derive Free, Fun Income for you, your circle of friends, family and associates, plus help some worth-while causes if they choose (and you help them see the light).

There you have it - one very creative and power implementation of 21st-Century Paradigms.  Comments appreciated.

P.S. "Most People look into a gold mine and can only see the dirt" --Wise Sage
Be one of the Few People who SEE and GET the GOLD --Kent

PREVIOUS POST - early Sept 2009 (lost in the shuffle)

Properties and Online Sales Page both under 70% ARV

Hello Investors and Referrers -  Remember- referrals are worth serious $$$$

Please email us your great properties with price + rehab est under 70% ARV, anywhere in Colorado.

(If already rented, 80% ARV can be good; if can take over the loan, 90% can work; and if both, 95% may work)

I know several private money lenders, but always looking for more - please email their contact info to us.

What additional services do you need?

Finally, many have websites, but few have an all-important Online sales letter [implements GOgitMMM Marketing described above]- see and think:

Single-purpose, initial-sale web page + contact page.  Can be done for well-under 70% ARV!

Best Wishes, Kent