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As well as other Project Support Services
We use a powerful method of sharing - post “Golden Nuggets of Information” on Social Media multiple times daily or in regular emails (every 5-15 days). We’ve been sharing the essence of articles and a few powerful comments regularly.*
Commercial Real Estate, Technology, Blockchain and AI
Kirk Borne. WAYS TO HARNESS #BIGDATA IN #ENERGY (#Technology #AI #MachineLearning #Analysis #Business #Data #Expansion #OilGas; edited - Lnkd.in/esWSnsz):
- "The big change in every industry is the sensoring - on just about everything, including electricity, Oil Gas, supply chain, #Manufacturing and even customer interaction. This is Big Data - more "big value" than "big volume" - with all this information, we can put our systems to better use making greater value.
- "A PRESCRIPTIVE MODEL is one method to gain much greater insight in the energy industry for predicting then prescribing optimal outcomes. By collecting enough data from factors such as the environment, devices used, and contextual information such as weather patterns or energy usage - user parameters are set to prevent interruptions or disasters. [For instance,] "if a bad outcome is upcoming, conditions can be set to prevent machine failure - reducing the operating temperature or speed, or increasing the frequency of on/off cycles."
- "DIGITAL TWINS. An exciting proposition for the #INDUSTRIAL SECTOR is the digital twin, a full Computer-Aided Design (#CAD) model of any device that can be run alongside its original to track behaviour and identify the cause of any failures. In the energy industry, this could be a digital replica of an offshore wind turbine, monitoring power usage, production and efficiencies, and replaying any anomalies to identify their cause."
- "#CROWDSOURCING. At NASA, we put mountains of image #data online to create an interesting challenge, people across the world volunteered their time creating incredible results. A Netherlander discovered a strange green object while looking through images - an entirely new type of astronomical object (Hanny's Voorwerp). For the #energy sector, have people look at data around blackouts, establishing a pattern to outages or surviving locations for shelters."
- "MOVE BEYOND REPORTING. Big data allows executives to look at all aspects of their business, and quarterly reporting is not frequent enough. BD deals with events - hindsight, oversight and foresight - using prescriptive modelling. Global energy is undergoing huge change, requiring that forward-looking view of the rich information embedded within our big data reservoirs."
- WRAP UP. "The energy industry can benefit from these four approaches as ways to manage the digital disruption and the flood of new data coming from sensors everywhere. What we really need are solutions that can help your business move at the speed of your data! (Certain products or methodologies to help #data #analytics move at the speed of #business is not a viable approach.)"
Pedro Uria-Recio. MISTAKES CORPORATES MAKE IN THEIR ADVANCED #ANALYTICS PROGRAMS - "TOP 25 come under the categories [apply to many areas in companies]: #Strategy, People. Execution, #Technology and #Finance. ... Raise your hand if your company is making FEWER than 15 ... I have to say that I have made some of these very mistakes myself." #Analysis #Business #Data (edited; see article for details) Lnkd.in/e78WPx3
Commercial Real Estate and Business
Ian Vaughan, P.G. via Cris Wright, P.E.: "NantEnergy has made some new and exceptional claims about its latest ZINC-AIR #BATTERIES: they can be reliably recharged thousands of times, the tech can be extended to [vehicles] in the future, and they already clear the $100/kwh #manufacturing-cost barrier - right now, in 2018!" (edited) Lnkd.in/dKVG2vs
Cris Wright, P.E. and Stephen Crockett for sharing Enrique Dans. After all the bad said about TESLA, CEO Elon Musk, "understands that people want to be part of a project that is not about selling cars, but changing the world, by designing and implementing long-term strategies, even in the face of baseless nonsense from people There are many years of hard work behind Tesla’s overnight success.
"This quarter, Tesla not only made tons of money, boosting its share price, but also fulfilled its production and distribution objectives, showing every sign of staying in the black, at least until it has to pay interest on loans in the first quarter of next year. The world would be a better place with a few more crazy people like him in positions of leadership." #Manufacturing #Technology (edited) Lnkd.in/ecWC43D
"This quarter, Tesla not only made tons of money, boosting its share price, but also fulfilled its production and distribution objectives, showing every sign of staying in the black, at least until it has to pay interest on loans in the first quarter of next year. The world would be a better place with a few more crazy people like him in positions of leadership." #Manufacturing #Technology (edited) Lnkd.in/ecWC43D
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