We use a powerful method of sharing - post #GoldenInfoNuggets on Social Media multiple times daily or in regular emails (every 5-15 days). We’ve been sharing the essence of articles and a few powerful comments regularly.*
Commercial Real Estate, Technology, Blockchain & AI
- Much is written and said, some fiction and a fair amount of confusion define the times. PropTech [for Realcomm it's #CRE and #Residential #Technology] has experienced its most recent flurry of activity starting in 2009, what we call Phase 4 of its life, has experienced tremendous interest, activity and growth.
- Note that automation and innovation within the total Real Estate sector is by no means a new phenomenon. Yard, MRI and JD Edwards' RE information management, and Johnson Controls, Honeywell and Siemens' building automation systems have been around for decades, having laid the foundation for the PropTech today."
- "It is critical that we assemble and communicate accurate information on #tech #investments made in the CRE and Corporate RE industry. Need to separate out Commercial and Corporate segments in the the 2018 $10B PropTech investment reports.
- It appears that a disproportionate amount was invested #internationally on technologies somewhat mainstream in the US, as well as in #residential and #CoWorking. Residential has very little to do with PropTech relevance in buildings. Also, while there is a significant amount of technology, automation and innovation involved in the CoWorking conversation, much of the investment is pure real estate requirements, such as identifying and securing space.
- Investments require a combination of enthusiasm and excitement balanced with a measured, thoughtful and studied approach and assessment of the products that are being introduced and the companies behind them [more of that ol' #preparation]."
Carren Deguilla noted the very-well-done "HOW UBER LEVERAGES THE API ECONOMY TO FUEL DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION (#Technology #Analysis #Business #Data #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #CRE #Finance; edited - Video):
- API's can unlock proprietary data from behind corporate firewalls.
- Many companies are creating value and new revenue streams of from API's
- Some are even creating new business models by leveraging existing API's
- Uber example."
TRANSCRIPT from closed caption feed - click "..." then Open Transcript; next to Transcript, click "toggle timestamps." No punctuation.
Vrinda Arora of AlSmartz noted "EVERYDAY APPLICATIONS OF #AI AFFECT DAILY LIFE, which are more you think (#Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #Startup #FinTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #Blockchain #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #STEM #CRE #PropTech #CRE #Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup; edited - Article):
- Smartphones
- Smart Homes
- IoT Devices
- Transportation
- Delivery
- Social Media
- Video Games
- Banking
- Finance
- Navigation
- Travel"

Bill Warner (50 years - IT, entrepreneur, VC) commented on James Manyika of McKinsey & Company's FUTURE AMERICAN WORK: PEOPLE and PLACES, TODAY and TOMORROW (#Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #Startup #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #AI #Blockchain #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #CRE #STEM; edited - Report):
- [Build a Business while have a job]
- Rapid technological change isn't cause for alarm; it's a call to ACTION."
- The counties of Americana and distressed Americana have 360,000 fewer jobs in 2017 than they did in 2007
- The same 25 urban areas that led the post-recession recovery could capture 60 percent of national job growth through 2030.
- Displacement and net job growth could be highly uneven across the United States.
- Workers with high school diplomas or less are four times more likely to be in automatable roles than those with bachelor's degrees or higher.
- Some of the jobs with highest displacement potential have skewed demographic concentrations.
- The picture our team found is not all dire."
Matthew Lynch (18 years - education, tech). "WILL #AI REPLACE #EDUCATIONAL #LEADERSHIP? Using IBM's Watson platform, LEADx developed Executive Coach Amanda, the first chatbot taught to serve as a professional leadership coach. (#Analysis #Business #Data #Startup #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #AI #Blockchain #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #STEM #Startup; edited -
- Amanda can answer basic questions regarding staff management, and she can also coach leaders, meaning she’ll guide you in formulating your own theories and leadership decisions.
- It’s likely that the traditional physical space of the classroom will morph into something more fluid, thanks to #AR/#VR #technology and artificial intelligence. Students will follow highly customized learning paths, and teachers will guide and facilitate their progress.

- AI will guide the teachers, offering suggestions for improving #instruction based on student achievement.
- Ellen is the 'intelligent mobile app that personalizes career development tailored for every employee, at scale."
Vadim Shelomyanov (16 years - technology, entrepreneur) noted INVAR Technologies Inc's "HOW TO PROTECT AGAINST CYBER RISKS [after 2 years, this is still relevant] (#Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #Startup #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #CRE #AI #Blockchain #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #STEM; edited -
- Be aware of evolving risks;
- Telephone to confirm financial activity;
- Train employees;
- Limit physical access to data;
- Turn to the cloud;
- Update company software."
Commercial Real Estate, Finance and Business
Elliot Auerbacher (23 years - sales, finance) noted CEO Ely Razin (30 years - legal, finance, entrepreneur) of CrediFi's IMPLICATIONS of DROP in CRE DEBT (#CRE #Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup; edited -
- "Not all is doom and gloom. In fact, amidst a drop in 2019Q1, there are several important bright spots: Certain geographies continue to grow or hold their own; certain asset classes are stronger than others; some lenders are still competing to win, as indicated by shifting LTV levels.
- CRE debt markets declined through the end of Q1 [but as the report says], but to be fair, Q1 IS ALWAYS A LOWER QUARTER (often, after a bullish Q4 of the prior year), but the decline described in this market update is not mere seasonality, as this analysis compares Q1’s across the years."
- Download CrediFi's "US CRE Finance Outlook Q1 2019" 7pp report at
Jessica Lyons noted Ellie Perlman's FIVE REASONS to INVEST IN MULTIFAMILY PROPERTIES vs the STOCK MARKET (#CRE #Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup; edited - - "There is no easy answer, but I am a firm believer in real estate over investing in the stock market:
- Enjoy Income Immediately - almost right away on rents, and looking at an average of 7% cash-on-cash return
- Easy Financing - very low interest rate, now hovering at historic lows - not available when buying stocks
- Depreciation And Capital Expenditures - allow low/no income, not available on stocks
- Add Value To Your Purchase - making needed repairs or upgrades helps to justify rent increases, which adds income, appreciation and appraised value
- Gain Leverage - [appreciation of a few % multiplies ROI since the investment is 10-35% of the purchase price]. If there's a dip - wait it out to gain ROI. Stock leveraging may require additional capital."
Greg Jackson (CEO - good info, terrible response). SMART #BUSINESS #SELLER #DUEDILLIGENCE "Ready to sell your business? Make sure to carry out thorough due diligence before putting your company on the market to maximize its value." (#Analysis #Finance #Data #FinTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #CRE #Technology #BusinessTips #MergersAndAcquisitions #ExitPlanning #ExitStrategy #BusinessGuide #BusinessServices; edited - Promo Article):
- "Start with a "comprehensive #appraisal of your business to establish its assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential. By being sufficiently #prepared [essential for all endeavors], your business is going to appear more attractive to #buyers.
- #Plan ahead and WAIT to sell until you've maximized your company #valuation. Identify key value DRIVERS and possible IMPROVEMENTS. [Obviates objections.]
1. Skilled, motivated workforce
2. Talented management team
3. Strong financials and profitability
4. Access to capital
5. Loyal and growing customer base
6. Economy of scale
7. Favorable market share
8. Strong products/services and mix of offerings
9. Solid vendor relationships and supplier options
10. Sound marketing strategy
11. Product differentiation and innovation
12. Up-to-date technology and workflow systems
13. Strong company culture
14. Research and development
15. Protected intellectual property
16. Long-term vision
- #CULTURE and existing customer #RELATIONSHIPS - make sure your employees and your customers know what to expect and share your vision. [Obviates pre- and post-sale rebellion.]
- #DOCUMENTATION Matters [more PREPARATION] - Having all your documentation in order, ensuring its accuracy, and putting it all on the table is going to make you a more trusted seller and increase the value of the business. A secure and efficient virtual data room (#VDR) for storage and review of documents is a secure online document repository that enables efficient collaboration between parties in any location, at any time during the pre-deal phase. See The Ultimate Cheat Sheet at
- TIMING - sell at the right time based on the market, which is always changing. Being adequately PREPARED [again] to sell means being ready to act when the time is right and more value in your business. BUT ... once you’ve initiated the sales process, don't change your mind when buyers are already involved in the conversation. Makes a 'bad rep.'
- Professional HELP - preparing for the sale of your company is an exhaustive undertaking - enlist the expertise and GUIDANCE of a reputable mergers and acquisitions consultants. They will know when the market is in the right place for a sale, and give you access to quality buyers that you can trust. It is also important to note that buyers are going to take you much more seriously when you have partnered with smart consultants."
Max Ball noted William Baldwin's (46 years - business, editing) "HOW THESE HOT-SHOT INVESTORS DISCOVER UNLOVED REAL ESTATE (#CRE #Technology #Analysis #Finance #Business #Data #Startup #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #STEM; edited - Comment):
- Cohen & Steers Quality Income Realty Fund's Thomas Bohjalian and Jason Yablon have a knack, delivering 21% a year, 6% ahead of the S&P 500.
- 3 years ago, when #REITs with #retail assets looked cheap in relation to their earnings, they started selling them off, and counterintuitively, they added expensive REITs, with data centers, and rental houses.
- But even with 'collapsing' retail, they're adding retail assets to the portfolio.
- In a declining industry, there's room at the top, so looking for likely, top-end survivors.
- Adding convenience and drug stores that are resistant to online competition.
- Real estate near dense population areas (demanding condo and medical offices), so think repurposing messed-up shopping space.
- Get an edge, such as real estate #securities.
- Track obscure statistics-such as trends in #power #consumption at data centers - started buying at $38/share sold at $61/share.
- They like warehouses, heavy data center areas, and cell towers.
#ADVICE TO #LIVING #GENERATIONS on #careers / comfortable #retirement (#CRE #Analysis #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Startup #AI #Blockchain #DataScience #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #STEM - Post):
#GenZs - conventional #jobs will be gone soon, so:
- #Learn everything you can about advanced #technology in your field(s);
- #Work job(s), be #frugal, invest in #rentals;
- #Help #entrepreneurs start and grow, sharing profits if possible;
- @ 30, raise your families while nurturing and adding rentals, using management companies, #teaching your #kids about business, #finance and to #invest;
- When kids in college/trainings, build a #business;
- Transition to your business full time, and continue to #partner/help other entrepreneurs;
- Travel, build on everything you have and enjoy the next 30-40 years #financially #independent.

- Continue your career path as long as possible, staying up with #technology;
- Help #entrepreneurs start and grow, sharing #profits if possible;
- Transition to #consult, temp or #broker;
- Some may invite you to be part of their #teams.
Much more from earlier and originals at our LinkedIn Posts
PROSPER SYSTEMS, LLC (.biz) • Kenton H Johnson (.com), Founding Member
USA 302KentonJ (GoogleVoice 302-536-8665 to mobile and Hangouts)
- Quickly consumed, memorable and powerful
- Linked to the source for much-deeper information
- Edited and summarized showing understanding and thought leadership
- Mainly shared content from professionals in Commercial Real Estate, Business Consulting, and Thought and Executive Leadership
- When authors truly engage on LinkedIn (personal), they are shared on Twitter and LinkedIn (company), then aggregated, at least monthly, on this Blog, as a LinkedIn article, The News Funnel, CRE Collaborative Blog, up to 33 Linkedin Groups, and our GoogleGroup InfoPortal with a total of 2,600,000 followers.
- Posted originally on LinkedIn at
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