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Commercial Real Estate, Technology, Blockchain and AI
Kirk Borne (37 years - data, science, education) noted Forrester Research. "2019 AI TRENDS; NO PAIN, NO GAIN with #ENTERPRISE #AI - expect to see major changes in how organizations use AI, the rise of new #DigitalWorkers’ and increased competition for #data professionals with AI skills" (#2019predictions #Technology #Analysis #Business #DataScience #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #Startup; edited - Lnkd.in/ezN_q_n):
- "Data doldrums continue to drag down AI - we predict continued investments in quality information architecture (#IA) as firms quickly realize that irrational exuberance for AI adoption must be equally met with solid efforts on an AI-worthy data environment." Lnkd.in/ecCs2Ut
- "USE AI in AI TALENT RACE. 67% of AI decision makers struggle with finding and acquiring AI talent; 83 percent struggle with retention [see list]. Traditional recruiting practices fail, causing companies to seek out new approaches and tools, such as applying AI to recruitment.” Lnkd.in/eFYNEvk
- "AI and #ROBOTS TO CREATE DIGITAL WORKERS in 40%+ ENTERPRISES. Robotic Process Automation (#RPA) momentum started well before AI piqued interest in enterprises, but has been considered separate. We believe that an RPA+AI technology innovation chain will turbocharge innovation efforts, in addition to combining AI's #MachineLearning and text #Analytics with RPA features to drive greater value for digital workers." Lnkd.in/eE-Zgiq
- "#EXPLAINABILITY and #AUDITABILITY. Some #MachineLanguage algorithms yield transparent and easily-understandable models; others, most notably neural networks, are opaque. Regulations will spur interest in explainability in 2019 from both enterprises as well as vendors. Business users will increasingly demand it from their #DataScience counterparts to trust the models that impact customers.” Lnkd.in/edwgnqy
- "10% of FIRMS LEVERAGING AI WILL BRING HUMAN EXPERTISE BACK into the LOOP. “While #MachineLearning is exceptional at analyzing data, it lacks human reasoning capabilities. Enterprise AI mavericks will rediscover knowledge engineering and digital decisioning platforms to extract and encode inferencing rules and build knowledge graphs from their expert employees and customers. #Data plus wisdom can dramatically accelerate the development of AI applications.” Lnkd.in/ek_pZi2
- STARTUPS. 'The real change has been in terms of the mindset' - District Technologies;
- PropTech discovered - 'can only be expected to escalate' - Datscha;
- 'Autonomous vehicles (#AV), micro transit, and other last-mile transport modes will transform the real estate and retail industries, redefine urban boundaries, upend pricing dynamics and alter our definition of prime real estate' - PlaceMake.io;
- 'Implementation will continue to grow in 2019, with more companies formalizing their strategy and starting to really integrate new technologies into their workflows' - Proda Ltd"
- 'Data and automation are expected to generate the most change' - KPMG Global PropTech survey;
- 'Working on robotics and drone programs to execute site scans more precisely and efficiently' - Dalux;
- AI will become increasingly foundational, transformative, and pervasive, and recommends that PropTech firms and their clients adopt an ‘AI first’ attitude' - Andrew Ng;
- "We will have to look to 2019 and beyond to witness the real estate industry really putting its money where its mouth is in terms of implementation." Lnkd.in/eFWhgdW and Lnkd.in/eemrh7n

- VENTURE CAPITALISTS. "Interest in real estate technologies has mushroomed, and investment has also followed suit, so asked 5 PT VCs - US, UK & EU - for thoughts on 2018 and expectations for 2019 [see article for briefs] - Aaron Block of MetaProp NYC, John Helm of RET Ventures, Taylor Wescoatt of Concrete VC, Faisal Butt of Pi Labs and Ricardo Schaefer of Loric Ventures:
- "2018 A GOOD YEAR and AS EXPECTATED? 2018 was a banner year for investments and milestone exits. Standouts include WeWork, Reonomy, OpenDoor, Compass and Oyo. Awareness of PropTech as one of the fastest growing tech sub-sectors increasing. [See quotes from VCs]" Lnkd.in/eqMd8iM
- "BIGGEST SUCCESSES 2018. Investors cited booming PropTech landscape, with large financing / M&A transactions led by CoStar, WeWork, JLL, MRI, Silverlake, etc. There's strong interest in adopting new technologies that enhance the experience of owners, operators and residents, with a particular focus on #SmartApartment tech.
- "BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENTS 2018. #Blockchain was expected to deliver more than just #CryptoCurrencies. The prevailing gap between tech and VC ecosystems, and ‘traditional’ real estate world was and will be challenging, but with tremendous value-add potential for investors, managers, intermediaries and occupiers. Multifamily still has a slow sales and adoption cycles, with #RentTech concentrated in a few verticals." Lnkd.in/gREr9bG
- "PROPTECH INVESTMENT LANDSCAPE, 2019? All concur that 2019 will bring continued PropTech investment growth, with more deals done and more capital deployed, with real estate incumbents creating proprietary investment funds to deploy their digital strategy. Highlights:
- PropTech-focused funds;
- More money entering the market, so top founders can pick their investors;
- PropTech winners will accelerate due to fundraising and debt/equity capital accessibility advantages;
- More US strategic investment in British and European proptech startups;
- We’re currently at the top of the economic and venture cycle; so if economy turns, their high valuations will come down to their natural levels." Lnkd.in/eN7ghBA
- #FacilityManagement needs a champion;
- Sensors and smart buildings will start to show some winners;
- #ConstructionTech - so much room for improvement in operations, materials, safety, financing, etc;
- #RentTech will show an increase in the number and quality of entrepreneurs yielding more high-quality companies and ground-breaking products;
- #HomeAutomation and amenities services can provide multifamily owners and managers with simple solutions to complicated tenant experience problems;
- RentTech and PropTech will soon need an integrated solution;
- There's a clear trend towards B2B soutions across the real estate value chain - institutional and CRE investment, development and management - with more emerging around planning, project management and construction tech;
- There still are plenty of opportunities for new startups to help millennials get on the housing ladder and own physical assets, with an intersection of #FinTech and PropTech." Lnkd.in/ePSXzGp
- "HOPES FOR 2019?
- To see Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Alphabet (#FAANG) at Proptech conferences;
- The industry will cross the $20 billion VC mark;
- The frequently-laggard US real estate industry continues to invest in innovation and to take queues from peers in Europe and Asia;
- Continue to see the multifamily industry adopt new technologies;
- Quality deal flow, growing portfolio performance and driving strategic initiatives;
- Real estate investors and asset managers across Europe will continue to embrace PropTech through more direct investments and strategic partnerships;
- The sector to continue to mature with later-stage raises and exits;
- 2019 will be another banner year for PropTech ... can’t wait!" Lnkd.in/eDK3QEU
Dinesh Acharya (17 years - real estate) of JLL. "REAL-LIFE DESIGN LESSONS from VIRTUAL REALITY (#VR). Leaps in #technology have brought us closer to science-fiction films, like the upcoming, 'Ready Player One' (RP1, circa 2045) where most people spend their waking lives in a VR universe. Better that we design places from the user perspective, fundamentally change our thinking about 'place' as a service or experience, rather than a container and contents. Key themes from 'RP1' that have real world implications (#CRE #AI #Analysis #Business #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup; edited - Lnkd.in/eqaJG6n):
- "Experience is an #ECOSYSTEM - manage user experiences, services and rewards TOGETHER to make the #UX much more compelling." Lnkd.in/esaiahM
- "THINK PHYSICAL and #DIGITAL. The digital experience is often an afterthought when we design physical places, but increasingly, digital and physical must be integrated to create a seamless experience. For example, via an app, ordering a coffee-to-go and paying for it, then picking it up with no queue and a personal greeting from the barista feels great - better still if loyalty is rewarded with bonuses or discounts [automatically]." Lnkd.in/eaJKMpH
- "TAILORED JOURNEYS. In RP1, people can be whoever they want to be – appearance, ethnicity, gender or species, and they can ‘choose their own adventure.' Understanding the unique needs of individuals and tailoring journeys is the first step when conceiving experiences or services that people will love." Lnkd.in/eCKwyAf
- "CO-CREATION. It’s important we work closely with users to co-create experiences from the collective-user perspective rather than a single-institutional point of view. It’s about really listening to the voice of the customer and exploring and designing proposed concepts together with them." Lnkd.in/eBVAZG5
- "UNPLUG and RECONNECT. Online cannot be the only place where people find a sense of belonging. We must encourage people to take time to maintain meaningful relationships and participate in memorable real-world experiences. Good design must facilitate these experiences." Lnkd.in/eDtDVVK
Commercial Real Estate and Business
Sam McNeil (37 years - finance, capital). #IPO NUMBERS UP, VALUES DOWN - YoY Proposed Deals are at least 50% up, in #Consumer #Services, #Energy and #Financial Sectors; Consumer #Goods are even and REIT down 50%. However, those up have about the same valuation, and those even or down are <25% YoY. (summarized; charts at NYSE.com/ipo-center/backlog) LinkedIn Post
Responding to JT Kostman (17 years - IT, teaching). Robot people will be the first to be REPLACED BY #ROBOTS. Empathetic, thinking unskilled labor next, followed by low-tech skilled labor. Those who truly know #AI, #AR, #Blockchain #Programming #Robots #PropTech #FinTech #AV and how to #solve the #problems they create will have #work. Who will you all be? Linkedin Comment re Linkedin Post. Photo Credit
Don Catalano (30 years - real estate). GREEN OFFICE-SPACE ADVANTAGES. "#GoingGreen can reduce costs, improve employee morale and boost the public perception of your company. Small changes to your workplace have big impact (#2019 #CRE #Technology #Business #PropTech #Research #Investment #Startup; edited) Lnkd.in/eaucDMZ):Responding to JT Kostman (17 years - IT, teaching). Robot people will be the first to be REPLACED BY #ROBOTS. Empathetic, thinking unskilled labor next, followed by low-tech skilled labor. Those who truly know #AI, #AR, #Blockchain #Programming #Robots #PropTech #FinTech #AV and how to #solve the #problems they create will have #work. Who will you all be? Linkedin Comment re Linkedin Post. Photo Credit
- "#GREENERY. Living plants improve indoor air quality by taking in exhaled CO2 and releasing O2. Plants help to make offices feel more inviting and bring a bit of the outdoors indoors. [Add dense deciduous plants on sunny outsides - cool in summer, let sun through in winter;
- #ENERGYSTAR. Look for office equipment models that are ES certified, which meet EPA standards for energy efficiency - good for the planet and reduce utility costs;
- #NATURAL LIGHT. Remove heavy blinds that prevent light from entering, and consider putting work areas near windows - reduces eyestrain and improves employee #morale." Lnkd.in/eHCt8Su
- "SMARTEN UP YOUR THERMOSTAT. Switch to a smart system that automatically adjusts performance during off hours to maintain optimal working conditions and reduce energy costs;
- UPGRADE YOUR LIGHTING. LED fixtures consume less energy, give off less heat, and can burn for thousands of hours, saving utility costs, cooling and bulbs. [Shield LEDs to cut glare and use max natual lighting.];
- ENCOURAGE ALTERNATE TRANSPORTATION. Incentivized use of public transportation, car pooling, [ride sharing] and biking, helps your eco footprint. Build facilities to accommodate bikes [and drop offs]." Lnkd.in/esSrcRv
- "GO PAPERLESS WHERE POSSIBLE for record keeping and documentation - saves in supplies over time. Paperless systems tend to streamline processes, which can increase productivity;
- CHANGE CLOSING PROCEDURES. At the end of the day, shutdown computers, turn off all office equipment and switch off [non-essential] lights - cuts down on utility costs;
- ISSUE CHALLENGES. [Collaboratively set] green goals, then issue a challenge to your departments - the best to comply receives a prize such as catered lunch or gift cards." Lnkd.in/dB4Bd4H
Diego Lo Giudice (33 years - analyst, researcher). OMNICHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TESTING AUTOMATION (#OFTA) SPEEDS #SOFTWARE DELIVERY and #DIGITAL BUSINESS. Forresters 7/2018 Wave™ report says, "Nearly 75% of global services tell us they are investigating or implementing a digital transformation. (#Technology #Analysis #Business #Data #Research; edited - Lnkd.in/eQ3fuUp):
- TOP 15 LEADERS: Conformiq, Eggplant, Experitest, IBM, Micro Focus Silk, Micro Focus UFT, LogiGear, Microsoft, Parasoft, Perfecto, Ranorex, Sauce Labs, SmartBear Software, Tricentis and Worksoft.

- APPLICATION TESTING is right in the middle of this whirlwind. So becoming a successful digital Agile-plus-DevOps shop means that software testers must work with development teams that:
- Design, build, and test quickly and iteratively;
- Differentiate with user experience (#UX) per Forrester's #CX (quality) Index™ - effectiveness, ease, and emotion;
- Have technical quality as a primary objective." Lnkd.in/eqMd8iM
- PRESSURE INCREASING ON TESTERS. "Since 2013, testing practices and tools have become integral to development. 68% of Agile teams include testers in their product teams, 51% are dedicated full-time to one project/ product, and 27% use test-driven development (TDD). Short- and longterm challenges for testers lie ahead:
- Test automation is still underpenetrated;
- Developer-tester skills are hard to find;
- Customer experience (#CX) testing is not for the faint of heart." Lnkd.in/eHTAzhY
- TESTING TOOL MARKETS are evolving to address new and existing challenges. Forrester evaluations include OPEN SOURCE, test design automating SELECTIVELY rather than comprehensively, as well as recent TRENDS [report references many products and companies]:
- "MOBILE-FIRST BUT NOT MOBILE-ONLY - design and develop innovative mobile applications and then retrofit them for largerscreen technologies.
- "MAINFRAME TESTING - not dead due to distributed and cloud computing - now part of the pragmatic cloud. With some renewed attention to mainframe because of back-end application modernization investments, enterprises often require continuous delivery pipelines and testing to be on mainframe too.
- "#AI and #MachineLearning better test and automate, using natural language /text understanding, voice, video and image recognition, super-efficient pattern matching and the ability to make predictions. Services organizations are leveraging AI and ML to make better decisions and optimize automation, and new ones are making testing more autonomous." Lnkd.in/ev6ZXyv
Douglas Karr (20+ years - marketing). "2019 VIDEO TRENDS (summarized - Lnkd.in/ey6T4Nj via Llnkd.in/enGwf5w):
- Short-lived #video content on #socialmedia;
- Focus on #streaming live video;
- Square-shaped and vertically shot videos;
- Influencer video #marketing;
- Closed captions or subtitles in videos;
- The growth of usage of explainer videos;
- 360-degree videos and #VR videos gaining momentum;
- Personalized videos for #sales and marketing;
- Video production getting wallet-friendly."

PROSPER SYSTEMS, LLC (.biz) • Kenton H Johnson (.com), Founding Member
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