We use a powerful method of sharing - post #GoldenInfoNuggets on Social Media multiple times daily or in regular emails (every 5-15 days). We’ve been sharing the essence of articles and a few powerful comments regularly.*
Commercial Real Estate, Finance and Business
LOAN SUBMITTAL TIPS (#CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM; edited -
Franco Faraudo (11 years - real estate) of PropModo for "#TECHNOLOGY MAKING CITIES MORE #AFFORDABLE (#CRE #Analysis #FinanceOptions #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Prior to submitting a commercial loan request, due diligence is required including:
- [1-2 page #Overview - abbreviated #ExecutiveSummary,
- Strong #ManagementTeam and descriptions, with online, professional #profiles, such as LinkedIn,
- Collateral #evaluations],
- Comprehensive #BusinessPlan [with strong #ExecutiveSummary],
- Financial #ProForma[s],
- #Exit strategy.
- Surrounding the #purchase, #acquisition or #development of a CRE venture, to secure a favorable lending decision, financiers and private equity lenders require [superior] verbal, professionally-written, correspondence and discussion(s).
- If the #borrower is a business entity, no matter the size of the organization, this entity needs a developed #website, which gives “validity” to the organization and lends itself to further credence of the business plan."
- See the many on which we #Consult (#CaaS). LUCEV Finance Post
Franco Faraudo (11 years - real estate) of PropModo for "#TECHNOLOGY MAKING CITIES MORE #AFFORDABLE (#CRE #Analysis #FinanceOptions #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Even for decently-paid professionals, living space expense is growing faster than wages.
- #PropTech can help make our space more efficient, more profitable and therefore more affordable.
- Almost all of it revolves around #new-#construction #techniques
- Governments are insisting that every landlord should have low-income units as part of their mix, especially in the heart of metro areas, but require special tenant qualification and management.
- New software tools, incorporated in conventional property management systems, can collect, verify and communicate renter info to the various agencies that need it.
- There are applications and devices To create better living situations for tenants, and have the potential to give more options to renters that use them and can end up saving them time and money.
- #CoLiving is a big innovation - private living quarters but shared common spaces like kitchens and living rooms.
- Offering #FinancialServices products help properties expand their applicant pools and sign leases faster, and protection for properties.
- [#CoWorking space within the CoLiving mix can also help - reducing the need for an extra space in each unit for home office or telecommuting. Shared high-speed Internet, vehicles, other transport, roof-top and vertical gardens, etc also helps.]
Black Collie Capital. #SECURING #FINANCING for #MIDDLEMARKET #CRE DEVELOPMENT - #TIPS (#Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM; edited -
Crunchbase News. "PRIVATE EQUITY vs VENTURE CAPITAL - while the two are set up similarly and aim for similar outcomes, the way they operate is different (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Real Estate Finance and The Middle Market (transaction price of approximately $2M to $50M):
- Middle Market Demand and Opportunity (see graph);
- Where To Seek Funding.
- Loan Terms
- Consider Debt & Equity Structured Finance:
- #Bridge Loan;
- #Mezzanine Financing;
- #PreferredEquity;
- #Junior Debt;
- #Convertible Debt;
- #Participating Debt [includes Profit Sharing].
- Don't Pass Over the #Legal Details:
- Mortgage and deed of trust;
- Promissory notes;
- Assignment of Leases;
- Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) financing document;
- Environmental indemnity agreement;
- Subordination, non-disturbance, and attornment agreement (SNDA);
- Estoppel certificate;
- Loan guaranty."
- More on which we #Consult (#CaaS).
Crunchbase News. "PRIVATE EQUITY vs VENTURE CAPITAL - while the two are set up similarly and aim for similar outcomes, the way they operate is different (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- #VentureCapital: Move Fast, Break Things and Make A Lot Of Money. A #VC firm invests early in a company’s life, and gives it the critical capital it needs to start and (focuses on) grow. Sometimes at the expense of profitability, they’re tend to invest in companies with high growth potential, and direct companies to grow quickly, if not always sustainably. Venture capitalists are playing the long game, investing early in companies that could one day could deliver huge returns.
- The money in a VC firm’s fund comes from its limited partners, which, depending on the size and setup of the fund, can include high net worth individuals, their family offices and institutional investors like charitable or university endowments, pension funds, fund-of-funds, and other money management firms. General partners manage the firm, and often make an investment in their funds as well."
- #PrivateEquity: Steady As They Go. #PE firms focus on more-established businesses that need a capital boost and reorganization so that they can be sold at a profit. It's seen as less risky than venture capital, because they're investing in a company that’s already established some business fundamentals — not two founders with a laptop and a dream - and will often take a larger stake in companies.
- ['Sources of private equity funding include private equity funds, subordinated debt holders, and investment banks. In most cases, the equity fraction is comprised of a combination of all these sources.' —]
- The lines of private equity and venture capital are becoming increasingly blurred."
National Real Estate Investor. "BED BATH & BEYOND - TEMPORARY TURBULENCE or MORE SERIOUS CHALLENGES" (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- BB&B needs to follow the "retail salvation formula," which at least my store in Highlands ranch CO is close;
- Be the GO-TO PLACE for their type of products - provide very-personal service, access to every online source (at retail prices), make money and a decent living;
- Helps technophobes and busy people;
- For online purchases - in-store exchanges and inspection before talking home;
- Use same real estate for warehousing and more services and higher-tech customer service people in a smaller front.
Arturo Ferm Aguilar (18 years - real estate). NEW HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS in CANCUN, MEXICO CITY and PUERTO VALLARTA (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM. #AEC #Lending #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Time to look at Mexico for #CRE #development.
- By Murano, which also plans another hotel in #MexicoCity and a marina in #PuertoVallarta.
- "#Mexican Gov't says 'From January to August 2019, 29.8M international tourists arrived in Mexico, 7.6% more than in 2018, with an expenditure of US$17.15M, 12.3% higher than last year.'
- #Cancun construction alone will generate 7,500 direct jobs, and during the operation of 12,000 direct and indirect jobs, totaling of 20,000 life of the project.
- Another project of the developer Murano is the conversion into a complex 'of artistic value cataloged by the National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) and the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing (Seduvi), which was designed by the Spanish architect José Luis Benlliure.'"
- See more stats in article.
BisNow. "CRE: REASONS for HOPE and SAFE PLACES (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- [Ignore negative hype supporting partisan, US destroyers. Making GOOD decisions about all aspects of CRE transactions is ALWAYS smart in ANY market stage. ].
- Industrial could be one of the sectors that floats above whatever economic troubles eventually develop.
- Logistics has become the major driver of the industrial sector’s recent expansion.
- It is definitely a complex environment with a certain degree of uncertainty.
- So far the amount of serious disruption has been minimal.
- It is definitely a complex environment with a certain degree of uncertainty.
- Make sure they are paying attention to the fundamentals market-by-market as some smaller cities, such as Minneapolis and Nashville, consistently outperform the national average, and should remain solid investments.
- Lock in current tenants to long-term deals that will outlast any downturn, even if it means offering discounts."
PropModo. "THE FUTURE of REAL ESTATE SERVICE FIRMS. Tech's 2 big-picture views - (1) Breadth - more and more novel tech ideas to solve unique challenges; (2) Depth - multiple solutions to challenges, attempting to increase overall efficiency
(#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited):
- Depth developments make the news, increasing direct competition between tech firms as well as their partner organizations, generally reach an equilibrium between the main providers.
- Disruptive advancements to the mix, throw off the equilibrium.
- Colliers is working the "Breadth" with its new PropTech Accelerator run in partnership with TechStars, 'as a tool that can move our industry forward.'
- Outlets, including PropModo, have written about the perception that middlemen and transactional advisors such as brokerages should fear tech development, so make sure we can leverage up-and-coming technologies internally and externally.
- Colliers is sticking with core competencies while setting tech investment as a priority. Others, such as JLL have joined in as well."
Knight Frank Singapore. "ACTIVE CAPITAL 2019 - Last year, the global investment community was gearing up for recession, but now central banks are dovish and economic growth expectations start to ease, YET capital remains as abundant! #CRE yields remain compelling, BUT investors must adopt strategies that reflect extension to the cycle (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Five Themes - shaping the next phase of global CRE investment
- Extra Time - assessing the #risk for #investors posed by prolonged economic #cycles
- Changing Capital Allocations - how private equity allocations are moving between different sectors
- Changing Face Of Real Estate - investors are rethinking how retail spaces can be reinvented to bolster returns
- The New Core - pricing and supply across #CBDs are pushing investors towards #fringe-of-core
- #Nownership - rethinking the owner-occupier model; new #opportunities for investment
- Data Revolution - data capture and use is creating opportunities and #challenges alike."
Commercial Loan Software's oldie-goodie "10 SMART COMMERCIAL LOAN TIPS (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #Startup #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Instead of calling random commercial mortgage companies for your commercial real estate loan, focus your phone calls on commercial banks.
- Don't forget about credit unions.
- Use local lenders.
- You can find all of the banks and credit unions located close to your commercial property by merely plotting your property on
- If you are trying to buy a commercial property, and you don't qualify for an SBA loan, you are about to discover that you have a problem.
- Check preferred equity investments from #Blackburne&Sons (
- What if you have a $2M balloon payment coming due on your commercial property, but the bank will only lend you $1.6M?
- If you are in the commercial loan business, make sure you are building your list of referral contacts every day.
- Don't give up on your commercial mortgage newsletters too soon.
- Close 3 times more commercial loans by NOT making the 67+ different mistakes."
Business Insider. #WEWORK #BAILOUT will make MANY nervous #OfficeBuilding #owners and WeWork #customers happy (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #Business #Data #Startup #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #SmallBusiness #STEM. #AEC #Lending #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- "#SoftBank to own 80% of WeWork,
- #Neumann steps down [with $1.7B],
- SoftBank invested billions [a total more than the company is currently worth]."
- Lesson: best NOT to put so many "eggs in one basket."
- Don't worry about WeWork - they have a whole, unsuspecting world to conquer.
- Hear #tips for CRE developers seeking support from municipalities and capital from investors — and THE IMPORTANCE of HAVING a #PROFORMA
- Erie PA’s #OpportunityZone Investment Prospectus enabled them to become a model for municipality-led OZ investment.

- Proactive approach and bringing investable, shovel-ready #deals to market gave Erie a leg-up on getting designated and developed.
- EDDC’s downtown project to develop retail and a food hall to address Erie’s status as a food desert.
- CRE development in Opportunity Zones is to significantly increase the tax base for municipalities — improving local public schools, infrastructure and other key, social services.
- Local anchor institutions — corporations, universities, community foundations — important to securing #capital re-wired to flow back into local communities."
- Another recent article, from Detroit:
Commercial Property Executive. "WHICH CRE ASSET CLASS HAS the EDGE. Experts and investors at Europe’s largest real estate conference made the case for their favorite US property categories (#CRE #Analysis #FinanceOptions #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- 'In 10 years, the value of #industrial in the U.S. has tripled.' —Principal Real Estate
- '#Apartments offer compelling investment opportunity over the long term because of four primary factors: return profile, liquidity, cash flow and stability.' —Bell Partners
- 'If you are to venture into the #office sector … you want to be near transport, leisure activities, near housing and if possible, near a university campus.' —Metzler Real Estate
- #Technology, #advertising, #media and #information are the four main #industries that are helping Midtown Manhattan transition from a linear market to a more diversified, multi-dimensional one. —Rockwood Capital
Violet PR. "PR TO #GROW YOUR CRE COMPANY (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Create and share #videos: to generate 12 times the amount of “shares” on social media than text and images do combined, and there's much better recall. Great #stats.
- #Blog frequently: a crucial asset for CRE companies in 2020. A blog can be used to share CRE market #knowledge and #expertise, creating “thought leadership” with unique, creative solutions. The LinkedIn platform is straight-forward and ranks high in #SEO.
- Interactive #SocialMedia: #engagement-focused to target audiences, as a series of interactive posts. [ENGAGEMENT is important, but severely lacking in most posters - DON'T WASTE your exposure!] See quick stats.
- Enlist #influencers: prominent social media users capable of guiding public perception to attract new audiences and retailers to their properties, businesses and generate brand awareness.
- Prioritize #PR: anytime you see, hear or read about a specific CRE company or development, it’s usually a result of a PR effort."
Ari Rastegar (10 years - real estate). "WHY INVESTORS LIKE AUSTIN TX to COMPOUND CRE #ROI (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #Business #Data #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- #Market and #Population #Growth - steady, diverse, talented
- #Industry Growth - major companies moving here. [Some communities are accelerating existing companies, saving tax incentives.]
- Quality #Education - primary and secondary, with in-demand jobs and internships for students. [Building one's a relevant resume prior to graduation from college/training is a major career enhancer.]

- #Commercial vs #Residential - reasonably-priced SFD, multi and myriad other rentals for people and businesses. [#CoWorking is big, but given WeWork's condition, focusing on stable renters of all kinds is the better ROI.]
- All The Right #Factors - a booming economy, low unemployment, scholarly environment, creative culture, educated workforce, tax advantages and more. [How does your community fare? What can YOU do about it?]"
Globe Street. "HOW PROPERTY MANAGERS can WORK WELL with OWNERS (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Property #owners have different needs and end goals, and want to partner with property #managers to create a co-strategy.
- PMs should use #LowCost ways to serve tenants.
- #TenantService also overlaps with #CustomerService at the day-to-day property level, and a friendly staff can also drive tenant #retention."
Commercial Real Estate, Technology, Blockchain & AI
- Shifting Focus to the Decade Ahead
- Easing On Down the Road
- The Siren Call of #TINA (There Is No Alternative)
- A New Menu for #Markets
- Housing: The Great #Unraveling
- A #Community State of Mind
- #Hipsturbia (see Forbes article)
- #Boomers and Beyond: Let’s Think This Through
- #ESG: A Sustainable Trend (Environmental, Social and corporate Governance)
- March of #Technology: The What and When of #Disruption
- Infrastructure: #Washington #Fumbles; States and Cities Pick Up the Ball"
Apoorva Verma for Biz4Intellia's "#IoT DEVELOPING GROUND-BREAKING and COMPREHENSIVE #SMARTCITY SOLUTIONS (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Infrastructures: Roads; Lights; Parking Management; Traffic Signals; Quick transactions.
- Buildings: Energy monitoring systems; Water Level Monitoring Systems; Safety and Security Systems.
- Automobiles: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles; Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management.
- Efficient Energy Distribution and Production: Equipment Management; Theft Detection and Dynamic Billing; Renewable Energy Management; Supply Rerouting and Restoring.
- Farms: Crop Management; Livestock management.
- Waste Management"
Aaron Lohmann (15 years - real estate) - very good overview. "THINGS to KNOW about #BLOCKCHAIN and #CRE - with the potential to digitize and accelerate the CRE investment process, blockchain is poised to #transform CRE #finance (#FinanceOptions #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- A blockchain can serve as a #DigitalLedger.
- A blockchain reduces the cost of #trust while accelerating the #transaction process.
- A blockchain can support #SmartContract capabilities for #automating transactions.
- Blockchain-enabled security #tokens can make CRE as #liquid as stocks and bonds.
- The power of the blockchain in CRE is not hypothetical (already #proven and #available)."
Headline: #WeWork Agrees To #SoftBank Takeover —BisNow (Mismanaging former CEO Neumann gets $1.7B ... FOR WHAT!?)
For better or worse this is what the world sees as normal for #CRE and #TECH. Let’s look at a real scenario for #CRE and #TECH, with BIG $$$$ at the end (#FinanceOptions #CRE #Technology #Analysis #AEC #Business #Data #FinTech #PropTech #Research #Expansion #Investment #Startup #STEM #Consulting (#CaaS); edited -
- Seasoned founder
- Develops software application
- Yr 3 - Too far ahead of its time - pivots
- Version 2 - meh! - pivots
- Version 3 - an advancement of what they were doing - world was not going for it - pivots
- Yrs 5-6 - new product that was completely different - new customer - traction, purpose, money.
- Somehow they actually grow a bit, adding people.
- Yrs 7-8 - hit their stride.
- Ending - BOUGHT and they got a big number - founders, investors and shareholders gain real value.
- THIS is the way it is SUPPOSED to happen
- Most owners over-focus on #growth and not enough on building an #organization that can handle that growth ...
- Overwhelmed, constantly fighting fires and barely keeping their head above water.
- They feel like they are one bad move away from total #catastrophe.
- Many companies #fail."
- "I think that's where the Denver scene has the opportunity to shine. Help is out there. People want to help those young entrepreneurs see the blind spots." —Eric Hill
- Would like to see more focus on building a #Team, realistic #Financial #Projections and smart #Financing #Relationships in this piece, #DSW and other #entrepreneurial #events to increase #Startup #SuccessRate. Comment
- Use our FREE Overview Analysis to determine your success rate.
PROSPER SYSTEMS, LLC (.biz) • Kenton H Johnson (.com), Founding Member
USA 302KentonJ (GoogleVoice 302-536-8665 to mobile and Hangouts)
Prepare then Refer the FINANCE OPTIONS
- Quickly consumed, memorable and powerful
- Linked to the source for much-deeper information
- Edited and summarized showing understanding and thought leadership
- Mainly shared content from professionals in Commercial Real Estate, Business Consulting, and Thought and Executive Leadership
- When authors truly engage on LinkedIn (personal), they are shared on Twitter and LinkedIn (company), then aggregated, at least monthly, on this Blog, as a LinkedIn article, The News Funnel, CRE Collaborative Blog, up to 33 Linkedin Groups, and our GoogleGroup InfoPortal with a total of 2,600,000 followers.
- Posted originally on LinkedIn at
Of those who we've shared, the savvy ones Comment or Share these #GoldenInfoNuggets as additional exposure, as well as serve the community and remind their followers of their wisdom.